Bay Area Outdoor Family Adventures



Hiking, biking and being in the wilderness is inherently dangerous. The creator of this website tries to make the information as accurate as possible, but you are responsible for your own safety. You are responsible for viewing the latest park trail map prior to embarking on the journey, as routes are subject to change and subject to closures. You are responsible for assessing the dangers prior to taking any trail. You are responsible for the quality and safety of any equipment you are using (stroller, bike, bike trailer, baby carrier, etc). The creator of this website is in no way liable for any accident, injury, loss, inconvenience, damages or loss of life that you sustain while using information from this site. By using this website you understand that the creator of the website has not guaranteed its accuracy. By using this website you understand and agree that you are responsible for your own safety. Check the park website for trail conditions prior to making a drive.


Please note that I have made recommendations for hiking and biking adventures based on my own experiences with my own children. Only you know what your family is capable of. Some children have a sense of danger whereas others may not. Please assess the trail conditions and dangers yourself - you are responsible for the safety of your family.

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